Mirror What You Admire Most – Jennifer Lyn & The Groove Revival
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Mirror What You Admire Most

Who do you admire most? It’s a simple question and maybe even leads to an immediate answer. Maybe it’s your parents, a grandparent, a family member, a friend, or a famous person. 

Maybe it’s less about who and more about an ideal, a motto, or a general way of lie.

What is it that makes you feel admiration?

Confession...I turn 40 this year!

It seems that every new decade of my life starts out with a lot of reflection for me. Who am I as a person, what do I hope to accomplish this year, and what is my purpose in creating music?

When I think about those that I admire, there are several traits that I hope to mirror. At the top of that list is being mindful and enjoying life to the fullest.

It sounds like such a simple concept, but in reality, it’s not so simple after all.

When I look back on 2019 and think about how much time I wasted doing things that added little value to my life or the life of others, I can’t help but feel it’s time for a change.

Maybe you’re feeling this too?

One of my goals for 2020 and beyond is to take time to truly be present in the moment. Put down the smartphone more. Call the person rather than send a text. Turn off the TV and talk with someone, go for a walk, or read a book.

What’re your plans for 2020? I would love to hear them. Hit reply and share your thoughts with me.

I’m optimistic about this year. My main focus in 2020 is to write more music! Part of writing music is also recording music and I can’t wait to share new songs with you. Let’s make 2020 our best year!

Jennifer Lyn

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